










著:なりゆき わかこ


The Bookshop Girl モノ・ジョーンズとからくり本屋

先日、シルヴィア・ビショップの2作目The Secret of the Night Trainを紹介しましたが、1作目の日本語版が2ヶ月前に出たばかりなので、Mが読み返して感想を書きました。翻訳は三辺律子、日本語版での絵は平澤朋子。 


Property Jones loves her family's tiny bookshop. She loves books, and her family. But, she is keeping one very big secret: she can't read. When her family wins the ownership of a giant bookshop called the Montgomery Book Emporium in a raffle, Property's life goes all crazy. She has to face the mysterious Eliot Pink, and has to go through all these troubles, all by herself. But Property is the bookshop girl, and she is the only person her family can count on to save them from their troubles.

I loved this book, because it's all about books, books, (I love books), and about Property's amazing ideas to prove the wrong things that Eliot Pink did. I was so fascinated, for the great ideas Property came up with, to get revenge on Eliot Pink. In this book, I think the character(s) I liked most, was Property, and her cat, the Gunther, who seems quite useless, but is actually quite inteligent. If you read it, and like it, you should read other books by Sylvia Bishop too. The Secret of the Night Train, and Erica's Elephant.


私はこの本はすごく面白いと思いました。なぜかと言うと、この本は本の話で(私は本が大好きです)、 モノの素晴らしいアイデアの話でもあるからです。この本の中で、一番好きだったキャラクターは、モノと、モノの猫・ガンサーです。この本を読んでみて面白かったら、他のシルヴィア・ビショップの本もぜひ読んでみてください!



The Bookshop Girl

Author: Sylvia Bishop

Illustration: Ashley King







The Secret of the Night Train 夜行列車の秘密

シルヴィア・ビショップは今までに3冊の本を著しています。The Bookshop Girlは最近(2019年2月)邦訳されました。主人公の名前は英語でProperty Jonesで、邦題は「モノ・ジョーンズとからくり本屋」。翻訳者の工夫がうかがえます。

ここで紹介するのは2018年刊行の3冊目The Secret of the Night Trainです。



This story, I met, when I first started reading Sylvia Bishop's books. The first one I read was "The Bookshop Girl". I liked the book so much that I searched the Internet for other books by Sylvia Bishop, and I found this book: The Secret of the Night Train. 

Mysterious and fabulous. A great story of Max and her detective skills, that try to unravel the diamond thief. The diamond is preciouse, and costs a ton of money, and most of all, it is very small. The thief can hide it anywhere. Max is a eleven year old girl. She lives in Paris, and every day is the same normal day, but when her great aunt calls, and says that she needs someone to stay with her, because of her sickness, Max is thrilled to go. But on the train trip to Istanbul, where her great aunt lives, she discovers that on her train, there is a thief, who has a special diamond called the "Heart Break". Max uses her detective skills, and the help from people she can rely on, on the train, and unravels the mysterious diamond thief.

I very much liked this book, because this is a mystery book. I love mystery books, and I have read a lot, murder mysteries, kidnapping, thiefs and robbers. But this, is one of the best I've ever read. Not only there is a thief, a nun, that was actually a commandant, and a eleven year old detective, but there is a handfull of suspects. None of them are safe from suspicion. Not even a man that was, like most people sometimes do, about to miss his train.


The Secret of the Night Train

Author: Sylvia Bishop

Illustration: Marco Guadalupi









Svetlana Chmakova's graphic novel series スヴェトラナ・シマコヴァのコミックシリーズ Awkward, Brave, and Crush

These are the most fabulouse graphic novels I've ever read. Awkward, Brave, and Crush. The graphics are beautifully and carefully drawn, with lots of details. And what about the words? I love how the font changes, everytime the character's feelings change, and how the words are in positions that help the reader read easilly. The covers of these books make your eyes get sucked into them the moment you see them in book stores. I think the auther and illustrator of this book, Svetlana Chmakova, redrew, and redrew the cover pictures so many times, that's why they're amazing.

I met these books, or should I say this book, Awkward, when my friend in school brought it, so that I could read it. She had already lent me more than 3 graphic novels, and she knew that I loved them, and what kinds I liked. So she thought I would have liked Awkward, and she brought it for me. I didn't meet Awkward at a books store, or a library, or anything. I met this book when my friend handed it to me. The first thing I saw, was the cover. I thought it was calling me, "please read me. I would be very happy if you did." So you know what I did? I grabbed the book from my friend, sat on the carpet, and started to turn the pages furiously. It was like a dream to me. I couldn't believe I was reading a graphic novel, with such great graphics, and a beautiful story that taught me something. Oh yes, another thing I like about these series, is that at the end, they teach you something. Something very important that you need in your life. Like, in Brave, a boy learns about bullying, and how sometimes friends can become bad, and bullyies can become good.

If someone would ask me, which book in this series I liked best? I would reply, that I liked Awkward the best. Then Crush, and then Brave. The reason I like Awkward the best, is because of course, the pictures are fabulouse, but at the same time, the story is fun. The story has lots of meanings. The story is meaningful, and it has a lot happening in one place. By meaning that there are lots of things happening in the school, Berrybrook middle school, the school that the kids in the books go to. I like stories that heppen in one spicific place, and not moving around. I don't like Harry Potter, because the stories are magical, the characters move a lot to one place, and another, and there isn't really a main setting that the characters usually are. I think this is one of the many reasons I like this series. 

Again, these are the best comic books I've ever read in my life so far. They're just so fascinating, and fun, fabulous, amazing, and so on, so on, and so on. I could go on saying every good word I can say about these graphic novels. Awkward, Brave, and Crush. I hope now that you've read this, you willl want to read these books more than ever. If you go to a book store, I think you will find these books. They're pretty famous. Atleast to me they are!  

(M 11歳の感想)


Graphic novel series: Awkward, Brave and Crush

Author: Svetlana Chmakova 

コミックシリーズ: Awkward, Brave and Crush


Little Genie Series ランプの精 リトル・ジーニー シリーズ

M(9歳)が図書館で見つけて、最近はまっているのがリトル・ジーニー シリーズ。日本語版の絵(サトウユカ)を気に入って日本語で読んでいますが、英語版の絵(David Calver)もかわいいそうです。




I really liked Little Genie series because the pictures were very cute and beautiful. My favorite book so far was the “Little Genie Make a Wish” book (which is the first book) because you could see how Little Genie came to Ali’s house and how they became friends. In this book, first there was a girl called Ali and she was in her room cleaning the new magical lamp that her gramma bought for her and suddenly there were pink fluffy things in the lamp and inside was a little girl sitting! Ali was really shocked because she didn’t put the power plug in and her gramma even told her that the lamp was really old and didn’t work! Like these things, lots of shocking and unbelievable things happen in these books! Enjoy reading the adventures with Little Genie!!!


3冊目「ランプの精 リトル・ジーニー ピンクのまほう」の表紙(カバーの下)



Little Genie Series

Author: Miranda Jones

Illustration: David Calver

ランプの精 リトル・ジーニー シリーズ




The Magician's Elephant ピーターと象と魔術師

久しぶりの投稿は、またケイト・ディカミロです。イラストはアメリカで活躍なさっている日本人、Yoko Tanakaさん。



This book is very mysterious and a little bit scary so once you start reading you can't stop reading it or thinking about it. The book is about a magician who wanted to do a show of lilies but his magic didn't work and an elephant came out and crashed the roof of the theater!! Then something incredible happend. The elephant fell from the roof and fell onto the lap of one women who was sitting!!!? I was so shoked that I couldn't stop reading. I really recommend this book bacause it is a brilliant book to read when you are bored!! I hope you will enjoy the book!!!!



The Magician's Elephant

Author: Kate DiCamillo




The Tiger Rising 虎よ、立ちあがれ


ケイト・ディカミロはアメリカで大変評価の高い児童書作家さんで、ニューベリー賞を二度も受賞しています( The Tale of Desperaux と Flora & Ulysses)。この本も National Book Award for Young People's Literatureの最終候補作まで残っています。 




I liked this book because I thought it was a really caring story. I thought that the part when Sistine said to Rob to let go of the tiger was a nice thing to do. When I read the story I felt that I was in the story with Sistine and Rob because it was a really good story.


うちにあるのはCandlewick Pressから出ているUSペーパーバック2015年版で、リアルな虎のイラストの表紙です。



The Tiger Rising

Author: Kate DiCamillo


